Jan 23, 2025
Unqualified SEN Teaching Assistant - Excellent Training
Q - Are you a bright graduate searching for experience with special needs, including Autism, Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties?
A Mainstream Secondary School with a Special Resource Provision (SRP) are searching for x4 SEN Teaching Assistants to join them ASAP!
This is the perfect role for a graduate who wants a long-term career supporting children OR an already experience SEN Teaching Assistant.
School Details - Unqualified SEN Teaching Assistant
The SRP is a bridge between a mainstream secondary school and a special needs school.
Two classes, 7-9 children each, with a teacher and two TA's in each class.
Children have a range of needs including;
Social, Communication and Interaction delay/difficulties
Speech and Language delay
Sensory processing difficulties
Physical self-help difficulties (can require intimate care)
Cognition and learning delay
Global Delay
Social, Emotional and Mental Health...
IR35 Status: |
Unknown Status
Hounslow, London